In order: David Mazouz, Gavin Casalegno, Gattlin Griffith, Jasper Newell, Arthur Gosse, Kodi Smit-McPhee

Ty Blackthorn is my darling, my sweet scientific boy. I am deeply fond of his character concept, so I wanted only the best of fancasts for him. Obviously that didn’t work out. I kid, I kid. Still, grey eyes are hard to find. Still, I managed to rustle up a few that I’m quite proud of, which give us both awkward skinny teenager, delicate Victorian beauty, and the old school Blackthorn look. 

Breakdown under the cut

David Mazouz: Look, I know what you’re thinking. “This is a mere infant she has put on the computer screen before my eyes.” In my defense, he’s fourteen. Also in my defense, if I can’t judge teenage boys ages, you’re not allowed to be able to judge teenage boys ages. David Mazouz has the right face, and the right hair. He just looks like Ty. And I’d rather my baby be fourteen than twenty something. David Mazouz is a talented young actor and, in my opinion, a good Ty option. 

Gavin Casalegno: This child is barely younger than I am, and he is my favorite out of the lot. The eyes, the eyes! I think the picture speaks for itself. Ten out of ten, great Ty. 

Gattlin Griffith: He has the very delicate face and startling eyes that Ty is described with. True to the Lady Midnight snippets this young actor looks almost elfin, and has a very penetrating gaze. And he was in an Academy Award winning film, pretty impressive!

Jasper Newell: Another actual child, but I don’t care because everytime I look at him I think, “Yes, that is Ty.” I think it’s the eyebrows or something. This one is one the list purely due to personal appeal. He just looks Ty-ish to me. 

Arthur Gosse: That, that is a high quality Ty. He’s got the Victorian dreamboat with tuberculosis feel. A little too tol for Ty, but I like his face. Nice face. 

Kodi Smit-McPhee: The perennial Ty fancast. As always, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I like his facial shape, and he has the tall skinny thing going on.  Very good Ty. 


Baby Ty: Chase Edmunds


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